Mr. Eko Files Forum

Orientacion [SPOILER], S03E01 (3x01)

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view post Posted on 13/6/2007, 07:16

Un altro bel spoiler riguardo la prima puntata della terza stagione intitolata "Orientacion" (titolo che potrà cambiare comunque in futuro).
Di seguito troverete descritta una scena dell'episodio (che sia l'inizio ?):
SPOILER (click to view)
Lincoln goes to a bar in a high rise restaurant. He is set to meet someone there. He sits at the bar and orders water. A woman, known as Betty Crocker for now, sits besides him and starts talking to him. He doesn’t know her, but she does know him and Michael. As they talk, he clearly tells her it is the wrong time and he is waiting for someone. But she presses on and eventually says that it is the right time “ Lincoln” and “We have a lot to discuss. Specifically your brother.” She then gives him an iPod.

Se volete che lo traduca ditemelo, anche se è molto semplice da capire. :smile:

Chi ha altre info/spoiler sul "Orientacion" li posti qui!
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